Archive for April, 2007

Me, a dichoTomizer

April 26th, 2007

dichoTomizer design

So, someone and I have started our own T-shirt shop contradicTshirts. The above design is one of our first genuine designs. I am planning to feature some rattus rattus’ blog T-shirts, of course.
Watch out! And meanwhile, happy dichotomizing.

No fuss over ignorance

April 24th, 2007

Samuel Butler is often said to have said

Science, after all, is only an expression for our ignorance of our own ignorance.

which he might have never said. Anyway, I think that it might be hard to accurately cite this quote for anyone who actually read Samuel Butler’s note-books. But then, maybe he never wanted us to be that precise at all.

Knowledge (…) is based ultimately upon ignorance. To get knowledge out of ignorance seems almost as hopeless a task as to get something out of any number of nothings, but this in practice is what we have to do and the less fuss we make over it the better.
Samuel Butler, Note-Books

eLearning communication

April 23rd, 2007

Today, when using a local e-learning platform to get information about a course on “Interdisciplinary Communication” I learned the imperative way that interdisciplinary communication is inaccessible to guests. Even more so, it is forbidden.
There you learn. Faster than any course could do.

Screenshot eLearning interdisziplinaere Kommunikation

Dream of dreams

April 17th, 2007

She asked

What are the dreams we share?

I answered

The dream of sharing dreams has come true.

Who is fooling who

April 16th, 2007

If someone tells you, about whatever you had in mind, that it might just be your body making a fool of you, deceiving you, enslaving your mind,
this is not obviously a lie but a lie nonetheless.

Colors of care

April 14th, 2007

In “le rouge sans le noirCairo Otaibi wrote

sometimes we do not care, those are the good times.

And because it is not right what you say I so much trust your words.

[X] [X]

Love means love

April 5th, 2007

Love means love.

[When Ratta says LOVE she means LOVE.]

Presenting Ratta’s gallery

April 3rd, 2007

Ratta presenting her gallery

[Ratta is proudly presenting her gallery.]