What makes sense?
October 22nd, 2006[What makes sense? — Ratta’s answer: Humans do!]
He: How are you?
Me: I am trying not to answer.Then, an expression of complete mystery spread over his face.
Well, it startles me too every time i hear myself say these words :-)
If you have ever doubted the usability of a liar’s typical statement “everything you know is wrong” apparently suits well as catchline for a book about disinformation. And You are being lied to is of course the truth of another book, isn’t it?
Even when the title becomes more specific like in Everything you know about sex is wrong it’s no less of a truth as any self-contradictory statement.
Don’t forget:
Everything you know about blogging and me is wrong. This in particular.
Und was haben wir daraus gemacht!
How comes that justification is so hard to justify? I doubt self-reference to be the only source of mind boggles. And, who is a barber anyway?
Imagine justification to be some way to separate right from wrong. We might just slip through and fall into nothing, the space of no justifications.
I was wondering if anybody felt the urge to dig us out of such a whole, or do we call that whole ‘home’? — michael, 2006-02-13
The whole hole of nothing is a welcome space to be filled with home. Just don’t try to justify unless you need more room.
Yours truly, liar with an ever growing beard.
I think it is high time to get rid of the concepts of good versus bad and right versus wrong. Tell me, what do you think about this?
How much critique does a thing need to be … a thing? How often does an object need to be objected? Can critique be without?
One cannot deny to criticize insofar as the denial reflects a critique. More so, if the critique resembles an objection accepting it means to affirm the critique but objecting an objection might provoke the accusation of accusing.
Anyway, I object objecting your objection.