I am a liar, you are not.

Trying not to answer

October 16th, 2006

He: How are you?
Me: I am trying not to answer.

Then, an expression of complete mystery spread over his face.
Well, it startles me too every time i hear myself say these words :-)


October 6th, 2006

How comes that justification is so hard to justify? I doubt self-reference to be the only source of mind boggles. And, who is a barber anyway?

Imagine justification to be some way to separate right from wrong. We might just slip through and fall into nothing, the space of no justifications.

I was wondering if anybody felt the urge to dig us out of such a whole, or do we call that whole ‘home’? — michael, 2006-02-13

The whole hole of nothing is a welcome space to be filled with home. Just don’t try to justify unless you need more room.

Yours truly, liar with an ever growing beard.

Why there is double bind

October 3rd, 2006

I think it is high time to get rid of the concepts of good versus bad and right versus wrong. Tell me, what do you think about this?

The object of a critique

September 30th, 2006

How much critique does a thing need to be … a thing? How often does an object need to be objected? Can critique be without?

One cannot deny to criticize insofar as the denial reflects a critique. More so, if the critique resembles an objection accepting it means to affirm the critique but objecting an objection might provoke the accusation of accusing.

Anyway, I object objecting your objection.

The view from the other side

September 20th, 2006

Ratta seeing things from the right side

[Ratta thinks that, sometimes, it’s good to see things from the right side.
And what is your point of view?]

A matter of quantity

September 16th, 2006

Would you agree that everything is a matter of quantity or am I asking for too much?

This may not be a water-tight paradox but I like it nevertheless.

Attention whores

September 10th, 2006

If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it,
does it make a sound?
George Berkeley (1561-1626)

Beware of attention! Enough people, it might seem, wrote about the term attention whore. The Urban Dictionary expressively explains attention whore. The Uncyclopedia shows some imagery. Wonderful writer Cairo Otaibi pretended to out herself in a comment to No comment is a comment. Google lists a gazillion of results, and even more so, quite a number of people say: We are all attention whores.

I agree!
For it is such a nice example of a lying liar. And of course, we are all attention whores. Assuming some aren’t we wouldn’t know about them, would we?

Attention! A digression: If we are all attention whores, and if we cannot know about those who aren’t, might this prove that we are all liars because we wouldn’t know of people who tell the truth?

Attention again! An answer: Truth is that those telling the truth are the actual liars. — I wonder who could read this out of George Berkeley’s writings.

Thinking of perception, like in how we perceive a tree, does the tree create a mental notion, or does our mind create the tree? Is attention an attention whore’s service, or is she paid by it?

Ouroboros, you are her mother.

Avoid reasoning

September 5th, 2006

Avoid reasoning!
If it doesn’t work you can always get back to it.