Archive for September, 2006

Attention whores

September 10th, 2006

If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it,
does it make a sound?
George Berkeley (1561-1626)

Beware of attention! Enough people, it might seem, wrote about the term attention whore. The Urban Dictionary expressively explains attention whore. The Uncyclopedia shows some imagery. Wonderful writer Cairo Otaibi pretended to out herself in a comment to No comment is a comment. Google lists a gazillion of results, and even more so, quite a number of people say: We are all attention whores.

I agree!
For it is such a nice example of a lying liar. And of course, we are all attention whores. Assuming some aren’t we wouldn’t know about them, would we?

Attention! A digression: If we are all attention whores, and if we cannot know about those who aren’t, might this prove that we are all liars because we wouldn’t know of people who tell the truth?

Attention again! An answer: Truth is that those telling the truth are the actual liars. — I wonder who could read this out of George Berkeley’s writings.

Thinking of perception, like in how we perceive a tree, does the tree create a mental notion, or does our mind create the tree? Is attention an attention whore’s service, or is she paid by it?

Ouroboros, you are her mother.

Theory of want

September 9th, 2006

I work on the theory
that you can find what you want
when you don’t want it
by looking where it wouldn’t be
if you did want it.

— Andy Capp cartoon by Reg Smythe

Watch for the top

September 8th, 2006

Dropping Knowledge

September 7th, 2006

Can a single question make change? Ask yourself!
dropping knowledge, 2006-09-07

On 2006-09-09, dropping knowledge shall bring together some 100 people from all over the world to “engage in the most pressing questions of our age”. Their answers shall be recorded, and they may become seeds of a new “knowledge portal and dialog platform” starting 2006-09-10.

Here are some of the questions which have been submitted and which are likely to be discussed:

  • Is resistance a new form of revolution? Between non-violent resistance and armed struggle where do we go? What is effective? What is the right thing to do? Or do we need a biodiversity of resistance? Is change possible without violence?
  • What is worse, death or everlasting silence and solitude?
  • Is sustainability a luxury of the developed world?
  • What is the most important unreported story?
  • Can the world ever agree on the meaning and implementation of democracy?
  • Are we ready to change anything in case we get answers to our questions?
  • Do you think anything will change by donating questions here?
  • Why do human beings agree to evil?
  • What is God’s religion?
  • Permaculture has solved sustainability, Moshé Feldenkrais has solved the physical problems of the human body, Krishnamurti has solved wisdom, what problems doesn’t the planet know how to solve?
  • What does every human being on this planet agree on?
  • What is the global definition of freedom?
  • Why am I me and not you?
  • Is there at least one basic truth, we all can agree on?
  • What is consciousness and how do we observe the observer?
  • Do you trust your government?
  • Why don’t you do something?
  • How can consciousness be increased in the world?
  • How can we discuss global problems even when we are not able to solve our local ones?
  • How does any of this affect me?
  • Why do we believe mankind is something apart from nature, and therefore, not bound by its laws?

Hugh MacLeod provides us with a first pretty ingenious answer: The untitled pyramid.

Avoid reasoning

September 5th, 2006

Avoid reasoning!
If it doesn’t work you can always get back to it.

Start small

September 2nd, 2006

[Ratta says: If you want to initiate something big start small.]