It’s all surface
November 26th, 2006Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril. (Oscar Wilde)
Even if it sounds like facts it’s still stories.
Of course, true facts always surface.
Because, lies are anything but surface.
Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril. (Oscar Wilde)
Even if it sounds like facts it’s still stories.
Of course, true facts always surface.
Because, lies are anything but surface.
Stop Making Sense, one of my favorite self-contradictory principles, is also the title of a wonderful video of Talking Heads‘ Stop Making Sense tour in 1983.
Since Ratta reminded us of who we are to do what we do as long as we do (make sense) I’d like to remind myself of the fact that I intended to confront my blog with some more posts about facts (as if this were possible). So, introductory, here is a list of facts about facts taken from lyrics of the video Stop Making Sense: