A crisis
[Dow Jones Industrial Average Index from 1900 until today on a logarithmic scale; chart courtesy of StockCharts.com, click the image for details.]
Now that there is so much talk about the (financial) crisis I see that the word crisis of course shares its etymology with one of my most favorite words: critique.
Come on folks, let’s have a closer look. Let’s be critical about the “crisis”.
November 17th, 2008 at 23:26
I’d like to share two more DJI charts, as humus for critique or whatever (please excuse the junkiness):
10 years Dow Jones Industrial Average courtesy of Google
The last 1.5 years Dow Jones Industrial Average courtesy of Google
July 24th, 2009 at 9:48
on globalisation ..
we are going to change the world ,
we are going to make it all the same .
August 1st, 2009 at 19:08
michael — Interesting remark. I see you are referring to the second law of thermodynamics. I wonder what role exponential growth is playing here, and whether it actually is. Isn’t it all the same?