The only thing wrong
is to think there is
something wrong.
This entry was posted on Sunday, October 21st, 2007 at 18:24 on rattus rattus' blog and is filed under
I am a liar.
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November 9th, 2007 at 21:54
What’s wrong with you?! ;-)
November 10th, 2007 at 12:39
Another answer could be “nothing”, but this might be asking for too much (thinking). Though, it is indeed the very same answer. And this is what it is all about.
November 11th, 2007 at 3:02
[This comment has later been posted as a guest post in Colors between black and white. Please, add comments there. Thanks. — rattus]
Whenever I meet ‘black-and-white’ people (I call _b&w_ those who part the world in what’s right=white and what’s wrong=black and don’t allow anything in between), I always have this kind of choking feeling – as if I was in a crowded elevator, with a horrible tight dress my grandmother bought and obliged me to wear, going to some annoying 10th-degree relatives dinner where everybody will inquire and argue about my empty love life. Ok, maybe I’ve a little bit overstated it, but not that much! However, I really feel compassion for this kind of people, who miss all the wonderful colours (and nuances!) between _b_ and _w_ …
Let me explain how this is pictured into my mind. The _b_ and the _w_ are just the extreme points of a straight line (maybe infinite), and anything in life is something (or everything) in between. Maybe everyone has a different _b_ and _w_ points, and maybe what’s red for me is green for you (and this adds to the fun!), but thing is that colours of life are infinitely many. And, I guess, two people feeling a great agreement, are lying on the same colour, right on the same moment.
But now I discover something worse than _b&w_ people, which is, _b=w_ people! Or, everything is equal to nothing, wrong is equal to right, good is equal to bad. Aaahhh!!! Yes, you don’t need to be mathematicians to get what the result is: if the extreme points of a line coincide, then the line is just a point: no colours at all!! How could I survive in a world without colours! And, don’t try to drop the extremes and keep what’s in between, because -in this case- all is in between exists just as (linear;) combination of the extremes. If there are no _b_ and _w_, there is nothing at all! :-(
So, you need your reference points, your _right_ and your _wrong_, so that you can choose. And, when you know, you can choose to choose right, choose to choose wrong, choose anything in between and change your position in the line as fast as you can, but you always choose. And this _is_ the enjoyment of all the colours of life. If I look back to all my experiences (that I love to call the adventures of my life), I realize that I enjoyed more those I put in their right colour. I enjoyed the _w_ of being useful for a friend, I enjoyed the _blue_ of stealing sunflowers to eat the seeds, I enjoyed the _red_ of living my passions, I enjoyed the _green_ and the _yellow_ and the _orange_ (oh, may I suggest you the _orange_ …), and each in a wonderfully different way!
So, forgive me for my long comment, but I wish you to see your _b_ and your _w_, and to enjoy both, and everything in between.
BTW, to whom it may concern, I’m on the orange now: come here and make love with me! ;-)
[This comment has later been posted as a guest post in Colors between black and white. Please, add comments there. Thanks. — rattus]