It hurts me, too

A friend of mine, after we had been together for about 3 years, once wrote to me:

Why do you react like I am playing an important role in your life? I don’t know but I guess there must be a reason. Anyway, the way you are hurts me, and it puts me off.

I don’t know either, but I think we can call this some painfully sad words. I am afraid, they can make even a liar cry for the hidden double bind. If someone who we do not want to hurt tells us that we do
we are cursed.

7 Responses to “It hurts me, too”

  1. ik says:

    Cursed? Well, I don’t know, or have you buried your heart in a chest somewhere on an island and now have to sail the ocean endlessly with a ship full of damned? That’s what I’d call cursed! ;)

    Your stuff I’d call life. That’s how it is. Sad sometimes, yeah, if she says the hurting is the way you _are_. You always have the choice to _act_ differently (and that already gives you uncountably many possibilities). But you cannot _be_ someone else. You can just be and let be.

    And… never mind the double bind… ;)

  2. rattus says:

    Oh ik, you know that I do not.

    This cursed? Sure!
    Indefinitely at least.

  3. ik says:

    Then I strongly recommend to dig up the chest before someone else does! ;)

  4. rattus says:

    It’s difficult to dig up one’s own chest. See the film. :-)

  5. ik says:

    @rattus 1: Oh rattus, I do know that or do I? Anyway it’s all because the rhyme did sound so fine.

  6. ik says:

    @rattus 2: Anyway, hurry, try it, hurry! Why? See the film. :D

  7. rattus says:

    I somewhat condensed the original posting in Not to hurt.